Recurrent Implantation Failure
Hello! I am a 24 y.o. female, Gravida 0, AMH 0.2-0.8, four failed IUI’s, and now 4 failed transfers with 5 embryos never implanting. I’ve done two ERA’s (both... Read more.

Egg Retrieval with Immature Eggs
I got 29 eggs during my egg retrieval but was told that only 5 were mature. I am trying to understand why my maturity rate was so low. I triggered when 10+ follicles... Read more.

Re: progesterone level before FET transfer
Good afternoon Dr. Tortoriello, I’m doing a fifth stimulated frozen embryo transfer due to thin lining issues and now have the best lining I’ve ever... Read more.

Low Amh
Hello doctor , I’m 33yrs old ….AMH came back .56 and progesterone on day 3 was 16.6 and I had chemical pregnancy in 2020….i don’t have kids and I’m not... Read more.

Suggested ivf protocol
Dear doctor Sher I am a 44.5 femal, suffering from secondary repeated miscarriages due to alloiimunity (dq-alpha gene match + extremly elevated nk cells). Right... Read more.

Failed ivf cycle
Hello doctor; i am 32 yo female, amh 1.59 ng/ml. Partner 32 years old with varicocele, 0 morphology and very low count. (Impossible to check for dna fragmentation)... Read more.

Natural Conception with NKa and DQa Partial Match
Hello Dr. Sher, I’m hoping you can provide me some insight and comfort. Quick history – I have had 6 early losses prior to 7 weeks over 4 years. After... Read more.

Canceling when antral follicle count is too low
Dear Dr. Sher, My periods are getting shorter (around 20 days). Since December, my doctor has been doing this: (already three consecutive times now) starts the Estradiol... Read more.

Hcg blood test
My period is usually iregular. I started my last one december 15 . And now my period is late by 11 days. I took two at home test which were both negative and today... Read more.

Multiple failures after live birth from IVF
My first FET in 2020 was successful and resulted in the birth of my son. Since 2022, I have had four more FETs: the first one failed to implant and the next three... Read more.