Choosing an Individualized Protocol for Ovarian Stimulation: The Most Important Determinant of IVF Success

Choosing an Individualized Protocol for Ovarian Stimulation: The Most Important Determinant of IVF Success

The Importance of Tailored Ovarian Stimulation Protocols Selecting the right ovarian stimulation protocol is one of the most crucial steps in the IVF process. There’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach; each protocol must be tailored to the individual. The ovaries have...
Premature Luteinization: A Hurdle in Ovarian Stimulation

Premature Luteinization: A Hurdle in Ovarian Stimulation

Premature luteinization, is a condition where a progressive increase in LH (luteinizing hormone) disrupts the development and maturation of follicles and eggs before the planned hCG trigger is initiated. This phenomenon is not an isolated occurrence; it results from a...