Can my daughter donate an egg for ivf... Read more.
HLA-DQA complete match
Hi Dr Sher I am looking for any supportive data for the claim that complete HLA-DQA matching is impossible to treat with immune therapy. Can you help? Thanks Gavin... Read more.
Quisiera información de cómo es el procedimiento para donar óvulos y si aplico... Read more.
Two failed IVF with healthy embryos
Hi! I recently had 3 failed iuis and two failed transfers with seemly healthy embryos (BA BB) These eggs were from when I froze them at age 34. I am now 40 and have... Read more.
Test Interpretation
Hi there, I am just wondering that, if the value of beta HCG is 2029.35 mIU/mL, then what should be the interpretation, means how many weeks pregnancy is this?... Read more.
Choosing an Individualized Protocol for Ovarian Stimulation: The Most Important Determinant of IVF Success
The ovaries have two main compartments: follicles (the dark areas seen on an ultrasound) and the stroma or theca (the white outer perimeter surrounding the follicles).... Read more.
infertility questions
Hi Dr. Sher, First off thank you for what you do & all of the valued information you provide people. Good information is hard to find on infertility. Here is... Read more.
Quiero Saber si puedo donar ovulos tengo 35 años... Read more.
Do you help with making someone pregnant with twin boys if they don’t have ovulation problems ?... Read more.
Progesterone type
Is sub cutaneous progesterone as effective as intra muscular? Can there be a case of too much progesterone If progesterone gel, oral and sub cutaneous forms are... Read more.