Abnormal placentation and immune pr

Hi Dr. Sher,
I’ve gone through 2 egg retrievals and 5 fets, gotten pregnant twice and had 2 miscarriages in the last year and a half. The miscarriage last year at 6 weeks happened at home and I had a lot of bleeding which eventually stopped on its own. Tissue was tested and came back t4 female. We had to have a hysteroscopy with d&c this February before our next transfer due to suspected polyp at implantation site which I now believe was retained tissue. This year, the baby stopped growing at 8 weeks, miscarried at home at almost 11 weeks, again had a lot of bleeding with a lot of spotting/ abnormal bleeding and positive hpt for 3 weeks after. My clinic wouldn’t bring me in until 3 weeks post mc and when they did I had a lot of retained tissue that was highly vascularized. I had a d&c 2 days later. I had asked the Dr to be aware that we are still pursuing fertility treatments and to only do what was necessary. After the surgery, the Dr told me I was lucky I didn’t lose my uterus because I had tissue that would not come out. She told me I had placenta accreta and I shouldn’t pursue fertility treatment until confirmed. She used soft curretage, suction and sharp curretage on the entire uterus. She used sharps twice and really dug in on the posterior wall of the uterus where the tissue was adhered.
Pathology came back clean. The mri came back saying the posterior wall was indistinct especially at the junctional zone but the myometrium was uniform and not involved. I’ve had 2 ultrasound scans done since the procedure and they’ve looked better each time except the posterior left side which looked like it might still have some retained tissue extending into the endometrium. The head ob at my clinic doesn’t believe it’s accreta.
My question for you is, could the use of immune protocol drugs for ivf and fet cause abnormal placentation by allowing trophoblasts to invade too deeply and cause abnormal remodeling of the placenta and uterus? I do have positive ANA and suspected lupus although that’s not why the Dr put me on the immune protocol. I’m wondering if this is the reason for the abnormally adhered tissue this pregnancy and possibly the prior one as well. Is this something I need to worry about in future pregnancies if I continue fertility treatment? I’ve read all about PAS and am terrified that something could happen if i get pregnant again. Looking for any information you might provide. Thank you so much for all you do!


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