Failed ivf with donor eggs

Dear Dr Sher

I’m 50 year old , I have healthy 9 year old boy from my first marriage, with my second marriage my husband is 55 yrs old , tried one cycle ivf with 2 healthy embryos-my won eggs- ( not successful) unfortunately then I got tried one cycle with young donor oocytes , transferred 2 healthy embryos too. And the B-HCG in the first 12 days was 47 then decrease till 5 😔… what was the causes of my failed ivf .if my utrine wall was 9 mm and 2 healthy embryos based in PGT , I’m healthy athletics good shape no chronic medical or surgical illness and follow the full protocols ( progesterone injection , low molecular wt heparin , baby aspirin , estradiol tabs , folic acid and prednisone 6 days only before implantation


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