Dear Dr. Sher and Dr. Tortoriello,
I am 38 years old and my husband and I are in the 5th year of our fertility journey. I conceived naturally in 2019 and 2021, both missed ab, we tried several rounds of IVF without any success because I have DOR and poor egg quality.
Therefore, we decided to go for oocyte donation in Czech Republic. We have done three transfers so far, all negative. We have one last embryo (PGT-A tested) frozen. Since I am a scientist myself, we decided to do an extensive immunological testing of our blood at Fertilysis, Greece, before doing the next transfer.
These were our test results:
Autoimmunity testing demonstrated a normal immunological profile (NK cell profile/Treg assay, NK cytotox assay and TH1/TH2 cytokine ratio assay). However, they found something in the alloimunity test: no match in Leukocyte antibodies for anti-paternal antibodies (LAD negative) and a partial HLA-DQ alpha match between me and my husband. Do you think it makes sense to try IL-infusions and/or corticosteroids as you describe in your blog, despite the normal NK cell profile in the blood? My gynecologist said it might be worth a try. Do you have any other suggestions what we can do? The gynecologists at Fertilysis suggested LIT, but this therapy is prohibited in our country. I also have Hashimoto which is adjusted well with Levothyroxin supplementation.
Would it help if I sent you the results of our lab report?
Thank you so much for your help!!