Repeated Miscarriage
Hi Dr. Sher, Thanks so much for taking the time to read and answer our questions, and for the valuable resources on your site. I have PCOS and have had 4 losses,... Read more.
5w 4d ivf
Hello, I am not one of your patients however I have been having issues with my current fertility clinic and I was just wondering Is how often an hcg should be pulled?... Read more.
I have gone through two failed IVF cycles and have very low AMH 0.4.. is it possible for me to undergo another IVF with my own eggs... Read more.
Puede mi hermana donarme huevos... Read more.
Dominant Follicle
I am currently on my second egg freezing cycle (35 years old). In my first cycle I had 11 follicles with 8 eggs frozen. I just began my second cycle 6 days ago and... Read more.
If I miss a day of my Buserelin injection
Hi, am currently going through an IVF process and I have been taking my injection since the 8th and it’ll continue till next month but I realized this morning... Read more.
I want to knw why my embryos failed to grow at the 1st attempt of ivf …and is the any hope or solution for me if go for the 2nd attempt... Read more.
Pregnancy and Reproductive Immunology Protocol
Hello! I’m so grateful to come across this generous offering to answer questions 🙂 I am 36 years old and currently 5W, 2D (gestational sac measures 5W,... Read more.
Viagra vaginal insertion
Please, can Viagra help grow my uterine lining,i did Hysteroscopy 4 months ago and my doctor just prescribed Viagra to help my womb before Embryo transfer. Thank... Read more.
I read through your website in your opinion of how many embryos to transfer. Would your recommendation change in the case of multiple failed euploid transfers in... Read more.