APS diagnosis, 1 successful FET, 3 failed FETs

Hi Dr. Sher,

I’m here because, like many women who come to you, I have had multiple failed FETs. I did IVF back in 2017 due to male Factor infertility, azoospermia. I was 30 years old and my embryos were all highly graded.

My first transfer was successful, I have an almost 6 year old son. I had transferred to embryos and one survived, my son who was born at 30 weeks premature.

About a year and a half ago, I transferred another highly graded embryo, that was healthy and all scans, until I lost him at 13 weeks gestation. After some testing I found out that I have APS. Due to anemia I had to get better before I could do my next transfer. I did my next transfer in September and another one in October both of which failed to implant. On my second transfer of this year, my RE added Lovenox, aspirin, methylprednisone, claritin, and antibiotics which I took prior to the transfer that still failed.

I have one more embryo left. Can you help me find the right protocol so that this last embryo sticks?


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