Tenho 2 fib fallidas protocolo estimulación 200 de pergoviris 450/900. 1a 6 ovulos ningún normal después de biopsia. Segunda 3 ningún balocisto De esta vez la... Read more.
Aserca de mi tratamiento... Read more.
Recurrent biochemical & Ectopic
Hi Dr Sher, Could you please try and answer what could be causing my issue and possible solution. I am 38 (husband 40) and we are married for 13 years; trying for... Read more.
Early Pregnancy Inhixia or Aspirin
Hi Dr Sher, many thanks for your advice and information. Today is my official pregnancy test day, 16 days after egg collection and I am thankfully testing positive.... Read more.
APA and early pregnancy
Hi Dr Sher, I’m hoping you can help me, I’ve been reading your info on IID and the use of baby aspirin and clexane, and think it could apply to me. I’m... Read more.
Hello doctor doing iui this cycle On cycle day 3 my lining came back at 4.0….did ultrasound again on day 7 it was 4.1…on day 8 it was 4.6 they gave me Menopur... Read more.
Hi Dr. Sher. I was about to start IVF and I was told I only have 5 follicles this cycle and that IVF will most likely fail. I was advised to do blood work again... Read more.
Hello, I have multiple ovarian Endometriomas. I was wondering if you offer sclerotherapy? How far are you booking out? I already have diminished ovarian reserve.... Read more.
Pregnancy and embryo
I was sexually active march 4th and had unprotected sex… no seman got inside of me.i tested myself on the 18 got a negative and than got my embryo transfer on... Read more.
Donar mis óvulo
Quisiera saber si obtendré un pago por donarlo... Read more.