Ivf recommendation

Good afternoon, I am emailing you because I recently had a failed frozen embryo thaw on the day of my transfer and would like your opinion on what questions to ask in my follow up. A little background about myself. I started ivf at age 41 and will be turning 44 in a month. I was able to bank 3 genetically tested embryos. They were pga tested. The first day 5 5bb did not implant. Today, I was scheduled for my second transfer of my day 6 5bb embryo. I received a phone call from the doctor that not only did my 6 5bb not survive the thaw but my third and last embryo also a 6 day 5bb also did not survive. So I lost two embryos today do to not surviving the thaw. I have a follow up with my doctor on Monday and would like assistance on what follow up question I should ask regarding the my embryos. I’ve spent a lot of money and time on ivf and I would like to do another cycle. I will be turning 44 and I know my chances are slim. In the past I have always done pgta testing but it took me 5 cycles to get 3 “supposed” normal. Do you recommend I advocate for a fresh transfer since I am no older? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.


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