How much for ivf... Read more.
Sub fertility
Can the catheter drain pus in the blocked fallopian tube... Read more.
Expert Opinion
Hi, we are doing an ivf cycle in canada and plan to continue that here. However, we would like to get consultation from Dr. Sher to review our file, details, previous... Read more.
Endo and Lupron
Hello, I scored 1.8 on the Receptiva test, and had a laparoscopy two weeks ago that revealed pelvic and bowel adhesions, and a blocked tube (all likely caused by... Read more.
Frozen Embryo Transfer
Hello, I recently moved to Las Vegas after being in Japan for 2 years. I had an embryo transfer on the 15th of July but its looking to be a blighted ovum. I have... Read more.
Follicle and lining
Hi Dr.sher, As a follow up to my last question. Could you still do an FET if the lining thickens to a good size although the follicle is slow to develop/lack of... Read more.
Hcg levels
Hi Dr. Sher, I had a dating ultrasound last week on Tuesday and was measuring 5 w and 5 d and they did an hcg test with and my levels were 52819 H. Yesterday I had... Read more.
Understanding Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL): Causes And Solutions
When it comes to reproduction, humans face challenges compared to other mammals. A significant number of fertilized eggs in humans do not result in live births,... Read more.
Slow Growth on Letrozole
Hi Dr.Sher, I am almost 40 and just did an egg retrieval on may. I have 5 euploids and 1 LLM. I also have pcos. I was hoping to do a modified natural cycle this... Read more.
Lovenox for homogenous MTHFR 677CT
Hello, I am currently 18 weeks pregnant following a fresh IVF transfer. Would you advise that I stay on lovenox 0.4 during the whole pregnancy since I have the following... Read more.