Doppler US – notch right at 13 weeks
Hello Dr Sher, I hope you’re well. We just had a dating scan at 13w1d, they confirmed everything looks good. However, in the printed report, it states that... Read more.
Egg freezing risks in IVF
Hello Dr. Sher I am 39, childless and I’m currently undergoing IVF in Portugal. I have had 4 miscarriages in the past (2 clinical and 2 chemicals). On my last... Read more.
How can I get pregnant if i don’t have the period anymore?... Read more.
Immature Egg Rate
Good afternoon, For my 1st, and most recent cycle, I retrieved 14 eggs and only 6 were mature. 6 were GV and 2 were M1. I am 32, my AFC was 17, my AMH is 2.4, my... Read more.
NK cell activation – endometriosis
My NK results from Fertilysis Greece came back within range but I read on this blog that sometimes women with endometriosis can have NK results that appear normal... Read more.
Understanding Asherman Syndrome: Causes, Treatment, and Hope
Asherman Syndrome (or Asherman’s Syndrome) is a medical condition characterized by severe intrauterine adhesions, also known as synechiae uterus. Synechiae... Read more.
Reoccurring failed implantation
Hi Dr. Sher, I found your website after researching pgt embryos that fail to implant. I’m 38 years old, I have DOR, AMH .5 when tested a year ago, FSH 10.3. I... Read more.
Fallo ovarico prematuro
Hola, QuerÃa preguntar acerca del fallo ovarico prematuro. Tengo 42 años y hace varios meses que no tengo menstruación. Mi nivel de FSH en febrero era de 13,... Read more.
Hola tengo tres anós que me cortaron para no tener bebé pero deseo dos niños más. Es posible tenerlo. Ustedes toman seguro médico... Read more.
Recurrent biochemical pregnancy
I have three children born via IVF in 2018 2019 2020. After my last child, I had a incisional hernia that was repaired with MESH. Therefore, my doctor highly discouraged... Read more.