Hi there
I am 39 and since 33 have had recurrent miscarriages.
I had two at 6.5 weeks and then a live baby and then 1 at 6.5 weeks that had two trisomies when tested. During that third miscarriage I had to have a manual vacuum aspiration and I developed a uterus infection that was treated straightaway with antibiotics. This was a year ago and since the procedure I’ve had 5 chemical pregnancies.
They now do not get past a faint shadow on a test, they certainly do not get as far as 6.5 weeks. I got diagnosed in July through ultrasound with an adenomyosis cyst and told I have adenomyosis. I wasn’t aware of this. I do not think I can currently implant but I get pregnant immediately any month I try, perhaps I am super fertile. I tried IVF back in Sept for PGT an and despite an AMH of 12.5 and 12 eggs collected, our embryos were too granular and didn’t make it past day 3.
My question is do you think the adenomyosis was caused by the procedure I had a year ago and do you think it can be treated enough for me to implant? If so, how? I am desperate for a sibling for my son and have spent all my savings and years focussed on conceiving and miscarriages – I’m wondering if I should now give up now that I cannot get past a chemical pregnancy each month. It is quite sad.
I also think the IVF drugs have made the adenomyosis worse as I am now bent double in pain while implantation tries to happen.
Many thanks