Gender Selection Options
Hello, What options are available that allow for gender selection? Thanks! Michelle B... Read more.

Vaginal viagra suppositories
Hi there I am from the UK and have been prescribed vaginal viagra suppositories but finding it impossible to find a pharmacy that can obtain it or make it up. Could... Read more.

IVF cost
Hello Doctor I have listened to you on Egg Whisper and would like to come for IVF treatment from Tanzania. I am 48 years and would like to use my own eggs. My last... Read more.

Frozen embryo transfer add on
Hello Dr. Sher, Hope you are doing well.. 1. What is your view about hcg booster shots between ovulation induction and transfer for modified natural transfer? Does... Read more.

Feeling confused
I happened to take a test and it was positive i started having pains and irregular spotting i consulted with the health providers and so far i recieved to opinion... Read more.

Trompas ligadas
Quisiera saber si me puedo embarazar nuevamente con ligaduras de trompas y de q forma sería el proceso... Read more.

Quiero iniciar el proceso pero quisiera saber si mi seguro médico cubre el proceso... Read more.

IVF treatment plan question with immunological problem
Dear Dr Sher, I am a 35 years old woman and I have fallopian tube blockage. I have had 4 IVF cycles, 3 were unsuccessful, the second was successful (at the beginning... Read more.

23 years
Q tengo q aser... Read more.

A woman doesn’t ovulates what can she do ??... Read more.