Low AMH, high AFC
I’ve been doing fertility treatments for five years. I have two kids. One with an IUI at age 35, one with IVF at 37. I’m now 40 and keep having trouble. My AMH... Read more.

Autoimmune disorders
Good evening, I have multiple poly glandular autoimmune disorders. Hashimotos, Addison, and fsh receptors are blocked so I never get a period anymore. I had a successful... Read more.

For egg retrival they got 7 eggs 4 eggs died why is this... Read more.

Hello I want to get done ivf asap,i want to know the total cost of ivf... Read more.

Treatment for immune issues and euploid RPL
Hello, I am a 32 y/o in Canada with history of 3 euploid miscarriages. First pregnancy embryo stopped growing 6.5 weeks, second pregnancy was a MMC of a blighted... Read more.

Failed FET
Hi Dr. Sher, You did my egg retrieval 3 years ago, and we welcomed our beautiful daughter 2 years ago. We just did another transfer of 1 pgt embryo for a baby boy,... Read more.
Understanding Insurance Claims: Bridging Patients and Providers’ Communication Gap
Insurance Benefits is a complex journey that both our patients and our staff travel through daily. Sometimes that path is clear and easy, and other times it can... Read more.

I had heavy bleeding during an abortion. Followed by a second pregnancy which was a blighted ovum. Ever since then I have had irregular periods and low libido. Is... Read more.

PGT-A results
Dear Dr Sher, I have listened with interest to your interviews on The Egg Whisperer and I hope you won’t mind my reaching out. I am a 46 year old woman from London,... Read more.

Same Agonist/Antagonist Conversion Protocols with Very Different AFC 6 Months Apart
Dr. Sher, I convinced my IVF doctor to let me use your agonist/antagonist conversion protocol with Zomacton (using Ganirelix to replace Lupron and keep using it... Read more.