My beta HCG level is 72743UI/l what does it mean... Read more.
Cut off Age for using own egg
Do you have a cut off age for using own egg. I am 46 and have never been pregnant, my last amh was about 0.4. Main reason of my infertility is currently blocked... Read more.
Treatment for autoimmune issues
Hello I found your article very interesting and I believe it is relevant to my own fertility situation. What treatments are available for autoimmune disorders causing... Read more.
Can I use my daughters eggs?
My question is I want to have another baby, can I use my daughters eggs and someone else’s sperm to have a baby?... Read more.
Buserlin Injection
Hi doctor. I was injected with buserlin injection at 12th say of my period. I was going for follicular monitoring. Now after around 7 days I am feeling periods cramps... Read more.
Sjogren’s Syndrome and Fertility
Hello Dr Sher, I am currently going through IVF in Phoenix, AZ. I am prepping for my first egg retrieval and I am very concerned that my Sjogren’s Syndrome... Read more.
I inserted viagra and the next day it came out what does that mean ? It was recommended by the doc for blood flow in my uterus, did I do it wrong or why did it take... Read more.
IVF protocol
2 abortion- 32 y. (was because of personal reason), second 37 y. (no development). Now 42 years old. AMH 0,05, FSH 39 (after first stimulation in march), LH last... Read more.
PRP treatment request
Dear Dr. Tortoriello, I have extremely low ovarian reserve despite my age of 32. I had done PRP before in Korea, and I saw 3 follicles 2 months after, which is rare... Read more.
Implantation dysfunction
I saw your interview on THE EGG WISPERER podcast and really appreciated your information and inspiration. We have been trying to conceive for about 6 years now (age... Read more.