HGH if PCOS suspected?


I read your blog and love the content.
I am 36yrs old woman (AMH 29 pmol/L, AFC 14-20), obesity (BMI from 31-34 in the last year, used to be much more).
My DHEA, testosterone, PRL were normal/low-normal/mid-range…

FSH 7 and LH 6.6 (Nov 2022).

I am freezing eggs due to need for
high dose chemotherapy for lupus/Sjogrens.

I did 1 cycle and got 9 mature eggs (10 were retrieved, i was not sedated so the RE stopped at 10 eggs due to high pain, although there were 4 more folicules).
It was antagonist protocol with 150 Elonva, 6x 0.25 orgalutran and 450 Pergoveris, and the trigger was rHCG 250 (Ovitrelle).

After low to low normals dhea/testosterone levels i started supplementing DHEA with 50 mg a day and HGH for just few days 1 IU a day.

Repeated tests showed slightly increased DHEA -s and testosterone.
I dont know should i continue supplements or reduce?

I am worried about egg quality.

Thing is my new labs show FSH 6.6 and LH 3.6 , testosterone, and DHEA a bit high as mentioned, and progesterone high (i took duphastone after eggg retrieval cycle for cyst).
My worry with taking DHEA, HGH, is the 10% increased levels i had now but more importantoy it is that I had once “microcystic ovaries” but that was 5+ yrs ago and now multiple ultrasounds show nothing Like PCOS, and also my hormones prior to supplementing were on the lower end (DHEA, testosterone) and LH/FSH ratio was a bit under 1.
I dont know if the recent LH number is relevant or reduced from progesterone.

Can taking HGH also be a problem same like DHEA when possible PCOS (or history of it)?
Because in the past when i was more obese my testosterone was also a bit high.

any opinion would be helpful
Thank you


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