Hello, I am a healthy, active 34 year old who has been trying to conceive for 5 years. I’ve had 5 PGT tested embryos transferred with 4 implantation failures and... Read more.
I am doing my first FET prep cycle – I am on oral estrogen (2mg) and estrogen patches (0.1mg/day) I started at 2 patches and 1 pill per day and then gradually... Read more.
RE: Recurrent Miscarriages
Hello Dr. Sher I’ve been seeing Dr. Paschall here in Franklin TN, I believe she has been speaking with you about my case. I have had 20 missed/miscarriages... Read more.
Repeated Implantation/Loss
Hi There, I had 12 ‘healthy’ embryos from 2 retrevials . NO natural cycles all with. Progesterone, Esradiol, Prednisone, Baby Aspirin Did 3 transfers... Read more.
HGH if PCOS suspected?
Hello I read your blog and love the content. I am 36yrs old woman (AMH 29 pmol/L, AFC 14-20), obesity (BMI from 31-34 in the last year, used to be much more). My... Read more.
Do You Offer Reproductive Immunology As A Separate Specialty/Service?
Hello Dr. Sher, I am a patient working with an IVF Clinic that holds 2 more of my PGT-A Euploid Embryos (using Donor Eggs and my husband’s sperm), but we have... Read more.
We had 20 eggs at Day 3, 10 of which were grade 1 or 2, the rest were grade 3 or 4. By Day 5 we only had 1 blastocyst of 4BB quality. What would cause such a high... Read more.
Follicular Analyses
Hi Sir, On 12th Day of period i have done TVS and one 30x23mm, one 16mm and 3/4 other smaller follicle on my right ovary. Will i be able to conceive with these?... Read more.
IVF own eggs after failed attempt
Hello, I am considering treatment at a new clinic after a disappointing first attempt at IVF. I am 46 years old and tried using my own eggs. From my last blood test... Read more.
Is it normal to have bleeding during IVF stimulation... Read more.