Unexplained infertility
Hi Dr Sher, Having heard some of your talks online, I felt reinvigorated and am now determined to find out the cause of my infertility. I am 25 years old and my... Read more.
Eggs disintegrate
is it possible 10 hours after egg retrieval your eggs can disintegrate and if so, how is that possible?... Read more.
At the last scan before my retrieval, one of my ovaries was found to be adhered to the back of my uterus. I have no history of infection or STIs. Is this indicative... Read more.
3 Failed FET’s using normal donor eggs
Hi, I just had my 3rd failed FET. 1st one was negative, second one we got pregnant but resulted in a chemical (pregnant for 5 days, we used Letrozole), 3rd one completly... Read more.
international patient
Hello Dr. Tortoriello, My name is Jeffrey Dorr and I am a US physician (neuroradiologist) living overseas in Japan. My wife is 41 yo, and has undergone fertility... Read more.
TSH prior to FET
Hello, I was wondering what the recommended parameters are for TSH/T4 level prior to FET. I have no issues with thyroid and my most recent TSH level was 3.6 and... Read more.
Estoy operada quiero saber cuanto cuesta su tratamiento... Read more.
FET Today – I may have messed it up
Hi Dr.Sher, I just had my FET today. I went for acupuncture and drank a TON of liquid before but didn’t feel the urge to pee. I fell asleep at acupuncture... Read more.
-ppost in english!Estoy operada hace 15 años con la tuvetomia y queiro tener un bebé que tratamiento podría realizar me muchas gracias... Read more.
2 failed IVF frozen embryo transfers
Hello, I am 39 years old. I have now had 2 failed FET cycles. I’m getting frustrated bc my levels For everything have been “ideal” per my doctor and they are... Read more.