Protocolo DOR
Primero agradecer su trabajo. Le escribo para saber según su opinión ¿Cuál es el mejor protocolo de medicamentos para una estimulación ovárica para mi con... Read more.
Agonist/Antagonist Conversion Protocol (A/ACP):
Hello Dr Sher I’m 42 years old with an AMH of 4.4 pmol/L. How many units of Lupron/Puregon/Menopur /HGH would you recommend for me in this type of protocol?... Read more.
Premature Luteinization: A Hurdle in Ovarian Stimulation
Premature luteinization, is a condition where a progressive increase in LH (luteinizing hormone) disrupts the development and maturation of follicles and eggs before... Read more.
Hello, I am trying to conceive and have been told the issue is I have a 5cm endometrioma. I am hoping to have this aspirated before starting any treatments. I do... Read more.
APS diagnosis, 1 successful FET, 3 failed FETs
Hi Dr. Sher, I’m here because, like many women who come to you, I have had multiple failed FETs. I did IVF back in 2017 due to male Factor infertility, azoospermia.... Read more.
Endometrial Hyperplasia
Hi Dr Sher I’m 43 year old woman with PCOS and Type 2 Diabetes and have endometrial hyperplasia atypia. My doctor initially recommend a hysterectomy but I would... Read more.
Decoding Embryo Mosaicism: Navigating the Complex Path to Healthy Births
Human embryo development is a marvel of intricate processes, including reprogramming, sequential cleavage divisions, mitotic chromosome segregation, and embryonic... Read more.
Empty Follicle Syndrome
Hello- I was diagnosed with DOR at age 29 with AMH 0.3 (AMH stable x 3yr, FSH ~12), otherwise no reproductive abnormalities for myself or my husband. Over the past... Read more.
recurrent pregnancy loss
Hi- I have recurrent unexplained pregnancy loss: Recently got a positive test and have the following HCG results… The third draws doubling time threw me off a... Read more.
Egg quality
Hi, dr. Sher! Is it true, that a quality of eggs can be worse in a second cycle, if you do one stimulation after another? My doctor said I shold wait a month for... Read more.