PGT-A embryos
Hi i recently just had a blighted ovum and was wondering wht really causes blighted ovums? The embryo was tested and it was a donor egg with my husband’s sperm…... Read more.
Miscarriage and Adenomyosis
Hi there I am 39 and since 33 have had recurrent miscarriages. I had two at 6.5 weeks and then a live baby and then 1 at 6.5 weeks that had two trisomies when tested.... Read more.
Endometrioma treatment
Hi Dr. Sher, I was diagnosed with endometriosis and 2 ovarian endometriomas 2yrs ago after I started having aching in my left pelvis. I’ve been reading PubMed... Read more.
Consulta urgente
Buenas.. Un gusto saludarlo doctor. Disculpe que me haya tomado el atrevimiento en escribirle . QuerÃa consultarle un tema, me realizaron una ecografia transvaginal... Read more.
Dq alpha
Hi my husband and I got told we are a partial match in dq alpha I am 05:05 and he is 05:01 has my doctor made an error as I thought he would have to have the exact... Read more.
Inseminación invitro o reconstrucción de trompas
Cotización de insiminacion invitro o reconstrucción de trompas... Read more.
Creating Families through IVF Surrogacy: A Journey of Hope
IVF surrogacy is a remarkable process that allows individuals and couples to fulfill their dreams of parenthood, offering a path to hope and happiness. Let’s explore... Read more.
This question is about reciprocal IVF. Im 21 and my wife is 58. She hasn’t reached menopause and I have irregular periods. I was diagnosed with infertility at... Read more.
Embryo grading
other Hi Dr. Sher, I have two embryos frozen on day 3 (not day 5 for some reason). . One embryo is 8 cell grade 1 and the other is 10 cell grade 1. Are these good... Read more.
Protocolo para preservación
He realizado mi primer ciclo para vitrificar ovulos, sin embargo de 5 fólicos que han engordado sólo se ha podido obtener un óvulo maduro. Tengo 37 años y AMH... Read more.