ERA and EMMA and ALICE tests

Hi there, I am a 41-year-old trying to decide whether to do an ERA and EMMA and ALICE tests ahead of my next donor egg transfer. I had two high-quality embryos transferred last time from a 20-year-old egg donor, but both failed to implant for unknown reasons. I have been trying to conceive since October 2021. I got pregnant naturally with a healthy baby in January 2022 but lost him at 17.5 weeks after an amniocentesis. I had two chemical pregnancies in August and November 2022, again after trying naturally, and have been unable to conceive since. I turned to donor eggs in October this year, and am devastated that this also did not work out. I want to do all I can to ensure my next transfer succeeds as I will be unable to afford another round. My OB/GYN has recommended the ERA and ALICE and EMMA tests, which I can’t really afford, but my fertility doctor does not recommend them as he said they haven’t been proven to improve implantation. It would mean a huge amount to me if you could share your thoughts. Thank you in advance.


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