Hipogonadismo hipogonadotrópico
Buenas tardes tras azoospermia y un mes tomando citrato de clomifeno por tener la lsh fsh y testosterona baja me he realizado una analitica y han subido los tres... Read more.
Fluid in endometrium before FET
Hello, I am currently on day 14 of taking estrogen in preparation for a FET, but since Day 12, a small mount of fluid has been seen in the lining. The estrogen is... Read more.
Immune System issues
I just had a miscarriage at 5 weeks 4 days of a tested normal embryo 5 day AA PGT . And I tried to get pregnant for over 10 years. I was told I had an immunity disorder... Read more.
Embryo testing
Hi, dr. Sher! Do you recomend PGT (NGS) on day 3 embryos? I m 51 and have two day 3 embryos and my clinic want to biopsy now, because they think they won’... Read more.
Autoimmune Protocol
Hi Dr Sher I have recently discovered your work and am curious if you think I should pursue an autoimmune protocol for IVF. I’m 40 years old and have undergone... Read more.
Quiero tener una niña
Ya que mi esposo no tiene yo creo que una niña... Read more.
Repeated miscarriages
Dear Dr. Sher, Just had my 6th miscarriage, natural conception with ivig and lit. I am disgnosed with partial dq-alpha gene match (0301) and elevated nk cells. We... Read more.
Lmit treatment
Hi my wife and I have a partial dq alpha gene match our first child was Ivf my wife did intralipids and steroids clexane we conceived our son naturally 9 months... Read more.
preparation for ivf
Dear Dr. George I am a 36-year-old female struggling with fertility issues and preparing for IVF. My recent tests have shown an AMH level of 5 pmol/L in UK units,... Read more.
Empty follicles
Hi. I did multiple rounds of egg freezing and two times although 6 follicles showed on ultrasound the lab retrieved just one. The doctor said i should consider donor... Read more.