Hi Dr. Sher,
This has been a long journey. I did a fresh transfer at 38 (got 18 eggs, 5 to blast stage, but we did not test then), the fresh transfer resulted in a chemical. Had to take some time off from the process, a year went by, then found out I had developed a large Fibroid the size of a grapefruit outside on my uterine cavity, so I had to have a myomectomy. After this, did two more FETs which also resulted in a chemical pregnancy. At 40 got pregnant naturally for the first time which also resulted in a chemical pregnancy. PGT tested the remaining two embryos from the first cycle at this point: one was abnormal the other low-level mosaic. Decided to do to a second retrieval, only one ovary responded, got 8 eggs, 4 made it to blast, and 1 is euploidy. This brings me to today, with the last two transfers I was on Lovenox, prednisone, and they were medicated transfers. For my next transfer, do you think I should add intralipids and do an ERA? My primary goal is to minimize the risk of another chemical pregnancy, and any insights or recommendations you could provide would be immensely appreciated. Trying to get a consult with you soon.