Ovidrel dosage on low BMI
Dear Dr. Sher, I am low BMI. Should I do 500mcg hCGr for trigger or is 250mcg enough? Thanks again for all the help, A.C.... Read more.
Se puede hacer un invitro si tube clamidia y mi utero está inflamado... Read more.
Suspected endometriosis and low AMH.
I have suspected endometriosis and very low ovarian reserve. Should I do a laparoscopy for endometriosis, then PRP therapy to increase my ovarian reserve before... Read more.
embrion mosaico nivel bajo
Buenas tardes Dr El resultado del examen PGT de mi esposa fue Sample ID Sample Barcode Result Sex Chromosomes Impacted Interpretation LB1 2023061467 Aneuploid XY... Read more.
Omnitrope dosage
Dear Dr. Sher, Should Omnitrope continue to be taken on the day of the trigger and the next day, all the way till egg retrieval day, or stop two days before, when... Read more.
Empty follicles
I am currently 33 years old and have already had 3 ICSIs. However, the first one was 5 years ago. Last year I stimulated for 2 days with 375 Gonal f and 75 Menopur... Read more.
Positive lads after 4th lit treatment
Dear Dr. Sher, Thank you for your answer. I did take ivig before pregnancy was diagnosed. Took 30g ivig on ovulation and on positive hgc test but it faild to relax... Read more.
Endometrial cavity fluid
I’ve had ECF ever since a d&c and forcep removal of rpoc in Jan 2022. I’ve taken prophylactic abx, hysteroscopy with loa and normal lap, 2.5 months lupron... Read more.
For thin lining I am considering trying viagra suppositories. Is there a difference between just using the regular tablet vs. Having it compounded? As info, with... Read more.
Secondary Infertility
Hi Dr Sher Ive watched the egg whisper Dr aimee talk to you about implantation failure and I wanted to ask you your advice, I messaged you a few years ago and was... Read more.