No concebir con omifin
Puedo volver a tomar clomid ahora que han pasado más de cuatro meses de descanso?... Read more.
Donación de óvulos
Cómo hago para ser donante de óvulos que requisitos debo cumplir para donar... Read more.
unexplained secondary infertilty
Dear Dr, my husband and I have a 5year old daughter. we have been trying to get pregnant for the last 4 years but no success so far. we visited a fertility Dr and... Read more.
Donación de ovulos
hola, buen dÃa. QuerÃa saber cuantos años tengo que tener para donar óvulos y cómo serÃa todo el proceso, tengo que pagar algo?... Read more.
FET inquiry
Hi, My wife and I are doing IVF in Canada and going to transfer embryos to United States for surrogacy. Can I know the cost estimation of FET at your clinic? (including... Read more.
HLA matching
Hello, I compared the markers of different HLA genes between myself and my husband from our raw genetic data which was produced by 23andMe and I found the following:... Read more.
Frozen Donor eggs and no blastocysts
Dear Dr. Sher, Im 37 years old with long story of 15 natural chemical pregnancies and after one ovarian stimulation with my oen eggs but with no blastocysts in October... Read more.
Secondary Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and possible IID
Hi Dr Sher, I am 40 years old and have suffered with a number of early pregnancy losses in the past year, all conceived naturally. I have a 3 year old son who was... Read more.
RPL, Secondary Infertility
Hello Dr. Sher, I am experiencing my 4th biochemical pregnancy in less than 2 years. I am 45 years old with 8 previous live births. My youngest son turned 2 years... Read more.
How much is ivf treatment... Read more.