I recently had my first FET ever with a PGT tested normal donor egg embryo. I had such high hopes, but it unfortunately did not stick. When my lining was checked a week before the FET, it was 8.7. Do you think this was still too thin?
For this previous FET I was on 2mg estrace taken orally 3Xday and vaginally 1Xday. For progesterone, I was doing suppositories 2Xday and the PIO shot once per day. I was also taking baby aspirin and low dose naltrexone. I’m 44, normal weight and BMI and in good health. I do have an under active thyroid, but it is controlled with medication.
Do you have any ideas on what I can do differently (if anything) for my next transfer? Or did I just get unlucky in the numbers game this round?
Thanks so much!