The Role of Gender Selection: The Pros and Cons
Couples have for centuries sought to influence the gender of their
offspring. More than seven centuries ago the ancient Chinese developed
a birth calendar said to... Read more.
The BCP: Does Launching a Cycle of Controlled Ovarian Stimulation (COS) Coming off the BCP Compromise Response?
One often hears the expressed opinion that the BCP suppresses response
to ovarian stimulation. This is not the case, provided that the BCP is
overlapped with administration... Read more.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): Who needs it and who does not; Pros and Cons
“As physicians we really need to seriously rethink the basis upon
which we recommend IUI!” -GS Intrauterine insemination (IUI), the
injection of sperm into... Read more.
Unexplained IVF Failure 2
When confronted with “unexplained” IVF failures where
morphologically good embryos were transferred, the question arises as
to whether the problem is due to... Read more.
Egg Freezing: Fertility Preservation (FP) & Commercial Donor Egg Banks
The bottom line is that because of the traumatic effect of freezing on
egg viability and “competency” the statistical chance of each
frozen/ thawed egg ultimately... Read more.
Advantages of Combining Preimplantation Genetic Sampling (PGS) with Tests for Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction (IID)
Whenever IVF fails to resolve reproductive failure, the explanation is
almost invariably either: a) embryo “incompetence” (usually
…although not always due... Read more.
IVF: The Economic Realities
Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards were responsible for the birth of
the world’s 1st IVF baby, Louise Brown, in 1978. Since then about 4
million babies have been... Read more.