Raised Blood Prolactin Levels (Hyperprolactinemia) in Women Undergoing Infertility Treatment
Prolactin (PRL) is a protein hormone (closely related to human growth
that is secreted by specialized cells in the anterior part of the
pituitary gland.... Read more.
What Is Diminished Ovarian Reserve?
Ovarian reserve refers to the reproductive potential left within a
woman’s two ovaries based on number of eggs (oocytes). If you have
diminished ovarian reserve,... Read more.
Violet™ Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based Software: A Break-through in the Field of Egg Banking which Reliably Predicts Reproductive Potential by Scoring “Egg Competency”
In order for a human embryo to develop into a viable, healthy
pregnancy it needs to be “competent” (capable, upon being
transferred to the uterus, of propagating... Read more.
Total Absence of Sperm in the Ejaculate due to Complete Obstruction of the Vas deferens: Congenital or acquired.
Following male orgasm, sperm are ejaculated after traveling rapidly in
sequence through the vas deferens duct, the prostate gland, and the
urethra. The vas deferens... Read more.
Cyclical Estrogen Therapy Prior to Embryo Transfer, in Post-Menopausal Women and those with Prolonged Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Can Reduce the Chance of Failed IVF and Miscarriage
An absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) in reproductive age women is
usually due to an absence of ovulation (anovulation). If this becomes
prolonged, then these... Read more.