Adenomyosis is a prevalent gynecological disease in which endometrial (uterine lining) cells invade into the uterine muscle layer (myometrium). This ectopically... Read more.

Intraovarian PRP – a promising technique that requires more investigation
Platelet-rich-plasma, or PRP, is a fraction of blood obtained upon
centrifugation that is enriched for cells called platelets. Other
cells, including white... Read more.
Starting Your Journey With SFS
Infertility treatment encompasses a wide range of possibilities, of
which IVF is only one option. It is not the treatment of choice for
everyone. However,... Read more.
Egg Freezing for Future Fertility
Many patients come to me in their late 30s and 40s to either assess
their relative fertility or to start fertility treatments, and they
are often unpleasantly... Read more.
Endometriosis Mechanism of Infertility
Endometriosis is known to have a profoundly significant negative
effect on fertility. Normal natural pregnancy rates are in the range
of 0.15 to 0.20 per month... Read more.
“Silent” Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a pelvic inflammatory disease attributable to ectopic
implants of uterine lining (endometrium) establishing a foothold in
inappropriate locations... Read more.
Raised Blood Prolactin
Prolactin (PRL) is a protein hormone (closely related to human growth
that is secreted by specialized cells in the anterior part of the
pituitary gland.... Read more.
Diminished Ovarian Reserve: The Sher Philosophy
It appears from my vantage point that the proportion of patients
suffering from diminished ovarian reserve is on the increase.
This increase is likely due to... Read more.
A Thin Uterine Lining: Vaginal Viagra may help
In 1989, Dr. Sher first published a study that examined the
correlation between the thickness of a woman’s uterine lining (the
endometrium), and the odds of... Read more.
Diagnosing and Treating Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction (IID)
Central to making a diagnosis of an immunologic implantation
dysfunction (IID) is a need for the appropriate interpretation of
Natural Killer Cell Activity (NKa).... Read more.