“Triggering” Egg Maturation in IVF: Comparing urine-derived hCG, Recombinant DNA-hCG and GnRH-agonist

Ideal egg development sets the scene for optimal egg maturation that
occurs 36-42h prior to ovulation or egg retrieval. Without prior
optimal egg development (ovogenesis), egg maturation will be
dysfunctional and most eggs will be rendered “incompetent” and
unable upon fertilization to propagate viable embryos. In IVF, optimal
ovogenesis requires the selection and implementation of an
individualized approach to

“Triggering” Egg Maturation in IVF: Comparing urine-derived hCG, Recombinant DNA-hCG and GnRH-agonist Read More »

Ectopic (Tubal) Pregnancy and IVF

Approximately 1 out of every 100 embryos will implant and grow outside
of the uterine cavity, almost always in a fallopian tube. This is
defined as an ectopic pregnancy. Infrequently, an ectopic pregnancy
attaches to an ovary or to one or more other pelvic organs. On very
rare occasions (1:1,000), one twin attaches and grows in the uterine
cavity with the other growing outside the uterus (i.e. a heterotopic
pregnancy). There is an ever present risk that a tubal (ectopic)
pregnancy might …

Ectopic (Tubal) Pregnancy and IVF Read More »

The Fundamental Requirements For Achieving Optimal IVF Success

Given the considerable emotional, physical and financial investment
associated with IVF treatment
[/blog/confronting-the-real-cost-of-ivf-treatment/], it is essential
that factors known to affect success be identified and regulated in
advance of initiating treatment and to always thoroughly and
meticulously “plan the trip before taking the ride.” This article
addresses the most important considerations in this regard:…

The Fundamental Requirements For Achieving Optimal IVF Success Read More »

Varicocele and Male Infertility

What is a varicocele? The testicles are housed in the scrotum, a
skin-covered sac that houses the two testicles as well as blood
vessels that deliver blood to these glands, nerves, and lymphatics. An
abnormality of the plexus of veins (the pampiniform plexus) that carry
blood away from the testicles can result in their distention,
proliferation and enlargement within the scrotum. We refer to this as
the development of varicosities similar to varicose veins…

Varicocele and Male Infertility Read More »

Intralipid and IVIG Therapy in the Treatment of Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction

There is an ever growing realization, recognition, and acceptance of
the fact that uterine immunologic dysfunction can lead to immunologic
implantation dysfunction (IID)
with “unexplained” infertility, IVF failure
[/blog/unexplained-ivf-failure/], and…

Intralipid and IVIG Therapy in the Treatment of Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction Read More »

Janet Jackson Delays Tour to Start Family: How Old is too Old for IVF?

More and more women are deciding, based upon personal preference and
professional necessity, to postpone having a family to a later age. In
fact, very recently Janet Jackson (49Y) was in the news stating that
she was cancelling her tour to prepare for treatment needed to have a
baby. This event prompted me to write this article on IVF in women of
a more advanced age The truth is that hardly a day goes by when I am
not asked the question of, “How old is too old to do IVF?” The

Janet Jackson Delays Tour to Start Family: How Old is too Old for IVF? Read More »

How Does Bodyweight Affect Fertility and IVF Outcome?

The prevalence of obesity in Western societies is on the rise, which
has a profound effect on the reproductive performance of women who are
trying to have a baby. Recent evidence suggests that obesity in women
of reproductive age is associated with decreased birth rates,
increased miscarriage rates, lowered IVF success rates, higher rates
of premature delivery and a marked increase in pregnancy
complications. We use two parameters to measure height-weight …

How Does Bodyweight Affect Fertility and IVF Outcome? Read More »

Pros and Cons of The Lupron (Leuprolide) Trigger Shot

Traditionally, IVF egg retrievals are timed for about 36 hours after a
10,000U hCG “trigger”. The hCG hormone thereupon remains in the
system for up to a week. When patients who overstimulate following
ovarian stimulation
experience prolonged exposure to hCG have a risk of developing

Pros and Cons of The Lupron (Leuprolide) Trigger Shot Read More »