hcg numbers
hello, i am very concerned about my heavy bleeding despite being pregnant. my hcg numbers went from 624 to 737 in 5 days. is this normal... Read more.
DQ Alpha testing
Dear Dr Sher, I am a 33 year old European woman currently TTC. I had my first conception success in 2022, in about 9 months period time and had a pregnancy loss... Read more.
Hello my name is James my wife and I been trying to conceive for the last year . The clinic we went said my wife would have to lose 60lbs before treatment. What... Read more.
I had follicle measuring 15mm with estrogen 155 and 5 days later estrogen dropped to 106. This is from natural cycle using no stimulation. The clinic wanted to aspirate... Read more.
Balanced translocation & IVF Chemical Pregnancy
Hello Dr. Sher, After having two miscarriages (1 natural and 1 IUI), I found out that I have a robertsonian balanced translocation (13:14). My RE said that my best... Read more.
Do you think my problem is immunological?
Dear Dr Sher, I have a history of 5 natural pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia, 2 previous csection births. After my last birth via csection, i have had 3... Read more.
Embryo sizing is 6week (.27cm) while GS is 8weeks.
Could this be a early sing of miscarriage? HGC levels have growth 35% form 3 days ago.... Read more.
Do you recommend to trigger with 10,000 IU of Pregnyl ( containing HCG and LH) or Novarel ( containing only HCG ) for females over 40 with high LH?... Read more.
Cyst at baseline
Hello Dr, At my baseline scan there was a cyst measured 11mm, i.e. borderline acceptable. Nurses took my blood to check oestradiol level in case Doctor wanted to... Read more.
Fertility options
My wife was diagnoses last year with Adenomyosis after having a miscarriage, and had a DNC. We’ve been having trouble getting pregnant ever since, and would... Read more.