News Reporter
hi, would love to talk to you about PGT testing for a story.... Read more.

Progesterone Levels
I went through a modified natural cycle that more or less turned into a medicated cycle since estrogen was added for the lining and also used vaginal progesterone... Read more.

Egg Retrieval Process
How many eggs can be retrieved during the egg retrieval/ egg freezing process? How many tend to remain viable (% wise)? How long can the eggs be frozen for and does... Read more.

Reoccurring-Implantation Failure
Dear Dr. Sher, My husband and I are trying to get pregnant for a while. The last test that they performed was taking a tissue sample from my uterus, and the results... Read more.

Quiero otro
Quiero saber el precio para serlo y quiero ir a un lugar serca donde you vivo un officina clinica... Read more.

Donación de ovuloss
Quisiera saber si soy apta para la donación de óvulos... Read more.

Asynchronous endometrium with glandular-mucosal-hypotrophy
Dear Dr. Sher, I have a complicated medical history but I will try to keep it as short as possible. I am 35 years old and exactly a year ago I have undergone 3 ovarian... Read more.

possible pcos
Hi I am a 20 years old female. 5’7 roughly 150-160 pounds A year ago i was experiencing a bunch of symptoms that led me to get a check up. My symptoms were... Read more.

C’est combien... Read more.

Probable cause of Infetility Immune Related
Good day Dr Sher I hope you are well. My name is Candice Castle, I am a functional health practitioner and you assisted me years ago with what medication to import... Read more.