DQ-Alpha match & positive receptiva post lap
I hope you can advise me on the situation below. I had Pregmune testing completed in January 2023. It showed my husband and I have DQ alpha match: DQ Alpha –... Read more.
Embryos tested
Hi! I’am 42 and I did the first stimulation for IVF. I obtained 2 embryos that I tested. I don’t know what this result means, are they viable? Which one... Read more.
3 miscarriages back to back
I have a unicornuate uterus. I have had three miscarriages back to back. All of which end at 5 weeks. The second resulted in a D&C due to the embryo not growing.... Read more.
Heavy lifting after embryo transfer
Hi Dr Sher. I had an embryo transfer last Saturday. I rested for 2 days and then went back to the gym on Monday and Tuesday and exercised as normal. This includes... Read more.
Atretic eggs
Good afternoon, I’m posting in English. Thank you very much for your answer. Last April my AMH was 0.04, even though I did my first IVF and got two follicles with... Read more.
Atresia ovocitos
Tengo muy muy baja ovárica. He realizado 4 tratamientos FIV, el primero con letrozol y pergoveris (225 cada dos dÃas) en el que obtuvimos 2 ovocitos maduros de... Read more.
Donación de ovulos
Cómo hago para donar ovulos... Read more.
Endometrioma Sclerotherapy
Hi, I have a 5cm endometrioma on my right ovary. Do you perform sclerotherapy of these? Thanks... Read more.
Venta de óvulos
Quisiera más información sobre vender mis óvulos... Read more.
‘Empty’ follicles
Hello Dr. Sher, I just had an egg retrieval cycle where despite my follicles growing nicely and the clinic expecting to collect 15 eggs, they only retrieved 6 eggs,... Read more.