Treatment for immune issues and euploid RPL

Hello, I am a 32 y/o in Canada with history of 3 euploid miscarriages. First pregnancy embryo stopped growing 6.5 weeks, second pregnancy was a MMC of a blighted ovum, third pregnancy mono/mono twins resulted from a single embryo, both stopped growing at 6.5 weeks after having heartbeats prior. I have frozen embryos still stored here that were created when I was 30 y/o with my eggs and anonymous donor sperm.

I was recently found to have high natural killer cells (CD 56 was 25.2, CD19+cells,CD5+ was 20.4), high Th1/Th2 (TNF-a:IL-10 was 32.3, IFN-g:IL-10 was 14.5), and low LAD.

I was advised 3x Intralipids then retest which brought my levels to the following:

CD56 now 22.2, CD19+cells,CD5+ now 12.8, TNF-a:IL-10 now 24.5, IFN-g:IL-10 now 15.8. LAD still low as I did not do any treatment for this.

In addition to these immune findings, I have mild insulin resistance (HOMA IR score 2.4 on Metformin), low iron, thyroid nodule, and thyroglobulin antibodies (originally 177) which I have recently lowered down to 30 with a gluten-free diet. TSH 1.3. Healthy BMI. Karyotype normal for myself and donor. Not a carrier of any genetic disorders, no MTHFR, no clotting disorders. Normal hysteroscopy. All other work up and testing has been normal.

I am told my euploid miscarriages are just โ€œbad luckโ€ but I donโ€™t believe this to be true. What would you recommend as the treatment protocol for the above findings? Is there anything else youโ€™d recommend looking into?

Thank you for your time


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