Thin endometrium

Dear sir! My name is Denisa, I am 32. In my 29 I gave a birth to a beautiful boy. Got pregnant for the first month trying, verything went well. After labour, there was a very small piece of placenta left in my uterus. I had inflamatory and month after labour there was heavy bleeding and courretage had to be done. My menstruation since that is very poor and my lining grows up to 6,5mm. We have been trying for the second baby for more than 2 years. I had two hysteroscopies done, first to clean the adhesions (mild Asherman) second look to control my uterus. Everything seems nice and cavity is clear. But simply does not grow. I took oestrogen, for the first months it helped endometrium grow up to 8mm, but blocked my ovulation. After months we tried ivf, there were two transfers, but unsuccesful, I reached only 7mm after 10mg oestrogens orally+vaginally. I am very affraid I am the “Marissa example”. Now I would like to ask you abou Tadalafil Mylan. Do you think I can try this? Is it so helpful as Sildenafil? Maybe this treatment could help me a little. Or you see no chance in case like mine? Thank you for your answer! Denisa


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