Repeated Implantation/Loss

Hi There,

I had 12 ‘healthy’ embryos from 2 retrevials . NO natural cycles all with. Progesterone, Esradiol, Prednisone, Baby Aspirin

Did 3 transfers for these . 1st failed. – did ERA came back normal. 2nd. B.O. – needed two D+C to remove tissue , 3rd – Pregnant and lost daughter 25 weeks due to TMFR as Labor+Delivery, she had skeletal and dev issues = 12MB missing of 2nd chromosone, had septic shock post delivery + 3 months later D+C as left tissue behind . – waited 5 months, 4th transfer- with Lovenox – failed – Another ERA-ordered came back normal. 5th transfer- Lovenox + Lipid infusions – chemical pregnancy.

NOW new doctor. Did another retreival, have another 12 embryos from Day 5 and 6 (all 4AA,4AB,5AA,5AB) + Hysteroscopy to make sure NO scarring -came back clean. not testing embryos since Husband and I not carriers and now beleive in Amnios better (based on our history) Doctor suspects embryos fragile to testing . NOW wants to do a receptiva pre transfer incase positive…NO other signs of ENDO except all fertility challenges.

Have done full blood failure panels – nothing abnormal inlcuding no NKAS’s etc.



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