Repeated Chemical Pregnancies

I have done 3 FETs with PGT-A tested euploid embryos. Results were 1 pregnancy that ended at 14.5 weeks due to genetic abnormalities, followed by 2 chemical pregnancies in the last 8 months. Since my 14.5 week loss, I have not been able to grow a 7mm lining by the first lining check (although there is no evidence of scarring). I live in Canada and the clinic that I am at is very reserved in their protocols – they do not support intralipids or other more progressive protocols. My doctor has previously said that since I have gotten pregnant once, it will likely happen again, and I should keep the same protocols as in the past. I don’t want to put my remaining two euploid embryos at risk, and I’m not sure if I will be able to financially (or physically or emotionally) afford another retrieval. Is it time to consider surrogacy? What tests should I be asking for in my follow up appointment?


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