Recurring chemical pregnancies

Dear doctor, I want to ask you about recurrimg pregnencies I have been faced with over a year now. I just had a third one with the same scenario like the previous ones. In week 4 I sudenly lose the pregnancy. All the tests we did are good and there is no explanation for this so far. I’m prefecty heathy, my partners spermiogram is very good. I have no trombofilia, good hormon levels, Tourch test is ok, no IR, AMH 1.2. During the last one I even used duphastone to increase progesteron levels but still. Last betha was 3000 in w4 and 3 days and at one moment I felt the symptoms fading. I’m 40 yo. I don’t smoke, drink, eat sweets, eathing healthy. It seems my body is rejecting the embrio each time. I’m affraid that IVF will have the same result. Do you have any advice on what to do and how to proceed? I live in Sarajevo, Bosnia and the prices for IVF are very high and we have limited funds so I’m affraid that IVF will be in vain considering my problems. Thank you in advance. Best regards


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