Recurrent biochemical & Ectopic

Hi Dr Sher,
Could you please try and answer what could be causing my issue and possible solution. I am 38 (husband 40) and we are married for 13 years; trying for a child since 10 years. I never had trouble conceiving but it always ends up either as a biochemical or ectopic. 2014 first natural pregnancy was a ruptured right ectopic which, led to trauma and subsequent rosacea ( I still have). Left tube was patent on HSG during 2015. After two failed IUI , I conceived naturally during 2017 that ended up in a biochemical with max beta HCG at 200. I went on to have 3 natural pregnancies during 2018 that were all biochemical (max 1400 HCG). Post a hysteroscopy that showed normal study, I then tried IVF with IVIG infusion in 2019 with two PGS inconclusive embryos (clear 10 cell division is what I was told so probably day 3 embryo) that had max HCG 6 and turned negative. Had another ectopic (this time left tube) mid 2019 that was treated with methotrexate. Underwent receptive DX early 2020 that had maximal BCL6 expression & beta integren, the adhesion molecule was 0; I was told it was a clear case of endometriosis and was suggested 8 week estrogen suppression through depot lupron post egg retrieval. During 2021/22, I followed the steps,egg retrieval (got 2 PGS euploid) and two depot lupron monthly shots four weeks apart. On 54th day post suppression, started estrogen priming with letrozole and the subsequent transfer was another biochemical (HCG 26). In summary, I only had repeated biochemical or ectopic. Lost all hope of being able to bear a child. Came across your podcast on the egg whisperer show and am writing to you. Awaiting your reply.


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