poor egg quality

Im 37F no other medical history. AMH 2.01, Day 3 FSH 5.7, estradiol 56. Have done two cycles of IVF: First cycles I was on menopur (150) and gonal (initially 150 and bumped to 300) for about 11 days with dual trigger. Had 14 eggs retrieved, 9 mature, 8 fertilized with two blasts (1 day 6 and one day 7)
Second cycle: Used omni every other day, clomid for first 5 days and then menopur 150 and gonal 150. 14 retrieved, 12 mature, 9 fertilized with 1 day 7 blast. Will be starting another round of IVF – thoughts on protocol? My Dr. is suggesting luteal phase stimulation


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