Hi How are you? I’m currently going through my second round of IVF and had a chemical pregnancy with a pgt normal embryo. I had endometritis before and they cleared it with cipro. I changed my doc since and my new RE asked me to do an ERA and Receptivadx which turned positive for BCL6 of 3. They are saying this could have been the reason that I had a chemical pregnancy. They suggested I do another round of IVF this month followed by 2 months of Lupron and doing my transfer right after. I’m a little concerned about the Lupron and meds and was wondering if you have any thoughts of doing all this. I also have 1 pgt left along with 6 eggs from 2019. So I’m wondering if I should do another round of IVF to bank more eggs and if its ok to do the Lupron right after. Sorry I’m concerned about all the meds and was wondering what your thoughts are on this. Thanks so much for your advice. I just heard you on The Egg Whisperers Podcast and wanted to reach out. Thank you. ๐