Hi! I have had two FETs with embryos made with my wifes egg and sperm donor, PGT tested and good quality. Both times did not work. I am 28 years old, have had many tests, Hysteroscopy, Uterine Imaging, etc and everything is normal. I do have ulcerative colitis and i am in remission but otherwise very healthy. I eat a plant based diet and exercise daily. My mental health is great. Both of my transfers were difficult and took 30-40 min as my doctor could not get the catheter into my uterus. on the second transfer I got a stitch put it and it did not help. I had pain 2, 3, and 4 days after the transfer that felt like period cramps.
What are some reasons you think the FET did not work? any tests I can take? Thank you so much.