2 abortion- 32 y. (was because of personal reason), second 37 y. (no development). Now 42 years old. AMH 0,05, FSH 39 (after first stimulation in march), LH last measurement 03.2023 -22(FSH 22). First Protocol Gonal 300. Failed. Second PRP and cycloprogynova for 2 months , on second day menstruation after 2 months Saizen 0,5 and Gonal 450. AF only one 5,5 mm. Failed. AF went to 3,4 mm. Estrogen low. Current cycloprogynova and Saizen 0,2. What will be good to try? Will be the combination of Gonal F, Cetrotide and Pergoveris or GonalF, Cetrotide and Menopur is better. I know individual protocol is the best but having this information what will you suggest to try? I just want to try. There is still hope i guess, at least i tried.