Dr. Sher,
My husband and I are 25 years old and have been trying for 2 years to conceive. I have stage 4 endometriosis, and had our first transfer 10/10 which failed. The protocol I was placed on was just standard birth control, estrogen and PIO injections. We are scheduled to transfer our last 2 embryos on 12/5, as we only had 3. The protocol I am on now is Lupron for one month, birth control, estradiol, and then PIO. Only thing different is the month of Lupron. Would love your opinion on this protocol, as I do not want to waste my last 2 embryos if it can be avoided. I had excision surgery in 2018 and was told they were unable to get to all of my endometriosis. I was ovulating on my own, up until 4 months before my IVF journey when I stopped ovulating completely. Would love your opinion and look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!
-Ashleigh Gibson


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