HLA Matching and Other Immunological Issues

Hi Dr. Sher,

I was initially given your name from a friend of mine who had complex fertility issues and great success under your care. I have tested pregnant five times over the past 18 months and either had chemical pregnancies or early miscarriages for all. The most successful scenario yielded a D&C at 10 weeks, no heart beat and no chromosomal abnormalities. This led me to a local fertility clinic which uncovered my hashimotos (euthyroid). I began taking synthroid and had another miscarriage shortly after (7 weeks, pre-ultrasound).

Through sharing her experiences with your clinic, my friend introduced me to the concept of reproductive immunology. I spoke with my local clinic and underwent testing for the Pregmune test which uncovered HLA matching issues which weren’t flagged as a severe issue on the test. Based on my understanding of your writeups, this is potentially very adverse for carrying my own child if our combinatoin does yield a full match (mine: HLA DQA1*01 EENTG; HLA DQA1*01 EFGTW; partners: HLA DQA1*01 EEMYT; HLA DQA1*01 EEMYU). Natural Killers are at 25.5%.

Each time I was “pregnant”, I felt the signs incredibly early, well before I tested positive… and there were many times I also never tested positive and still am/was certain I was experiencing pregnancy-related symptoms. We weren’t trying for a baby the first time I became pregnant. In subsequent “pregnancies”, I felt embarrassed sharing out loud my suspicions, even to my very supportive partner, because it almost appeared I was manifesting my symptoms.

After a chemical pregnancy over the weekend, I scoured the web to find any stories of similar experiences. I found someone write about their experience with LIT therapy from Mexico, stating they had 11 miscarriages/chemical pregnancies in two years with unsuccessful LIT therapy, a similar HLA scenario and then underwent IVF unsuccessfully with the exact same scenario as pre-IVF pregnancies (strong symptoms, positive pregnancy test, bleeding commencing two days late).

Our current strategy is to try IVF with a facility that supports or is attuned to immunological issues (I am currently exploring), try what is necessary as it relates to IVIG or otherwise (although I am worried I will run out of money fast if it is as expensive as I hear and require multiple treatments) and then, if needed, find a gestational surrogate. I don’t want to try donor sperm although even if somehow the HLA situation isn’t a problem, there appear to be a host of others anyway with the thyroid antibodies and other flagged issues. I’ve been taking megadoses of fish oil (6g tapered to 4g to 3g daily; synthroid, lovenox, immunoglobulin, CoQ10, restrevtrol, alpha lipoic acid, prenatals with folate, and etc.)

I wanted to hope I would be able to carry my own baby but I am now wondering if I should skip straight to the gestational surrogate instead of the long, expensive IVF trial road, in spite of the gestational surrogate being quite expensive as well. I plan to set up a consultation with your clinic (frankly I was reluctant at first because I didn’t want to hear that it would be unlikely I can carry a baby… but now I would just prefer to find the plan that makes the most sense given the fact pattern). It would be helpful to take your take on whether this constitutes the allomune issues you have written about previously and get your take on these matters. I appreciate any input you are willing to provide. Thank you!


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