Flare Protocol for Low Ovarian Reserve

Hi Dr. Sher,

I have gone through 2 ivf cycles and one FET done so far – i had 5 eggs retrieved in first cycle , 4 fert, resulting in 1 euploid embryo . Second cycle – 8 follicles, 6 eggs retrieved, 3 fert, no viable embryos. As part of second cycle, got the embryo transferred which failed to implant.

My doc now wants to try a micro dose flare lupron cycle – 2 weeks of micro dose lupron along with Gonal F + menopur + Omnitrope.

I read your blog post http://sherfertilitysolutions.com/egg-embryo-quality-in-ivf-how-selection-of-the-ideal-protocol-for-ovarian-stimulation-influences-egg-embryo-quality-and-outcome/

Where you refer to this protocol :Short GnRH-Agonist (“Flare”) Protocol and advised against it.

Could you explain further on why this maybe a bad idea for someone like me who has been diagnosed with DOR – my AMH is 0.7 and i am 33 years old.

Appreciate your blog posts .


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