I happened to take a test and it was positive i started having pains and irregular spotting i consulted with the health providers and so far i recieved to opinion the first Dr suspected an ealry pregnancy as he could not see the baby in the first time scan he drew blood and they returned with an hcg 477 i don’t even understand i did ask the doctor who said their suspecting an ectopic pregnancy they drew another blood to be investigated
Now im left confused more than ever i dont know what happening or how risky is my babies life please help shed some light if my hcg increases what could that mean and what hcg level indicates a baby growing inside the uterus and what hcg level indicates an ectopic pregnancy?
Feeling confused
There is no specific hCG level that differentiated between and IUP and an ectopic. However, the level should double every 2 days with normal intrauterine pregnancy …in the early stage of pregnancy. If it rises more slowly, that suggests a possible failing pregnancy or an ectopic. An US examination might also help around 7 weeks when a clear gestational sac should be visible in the uterus.
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