Compromised Lining

I lost my Ivf twins at 19 weeks due to incompetent cervix. My OB refused to give me a d&c until 3 months postpartum because she didnโ€™t believe I had retained products even though I told her my body was passing tissue for months.

She did a d&c (had a lot of retained product left) and since then Iโ€™ve had lining issues.

My fertility doctor did a hysteroscopy after a failed transfer and said my lining was compromised not thin. When the lining was touched it flaked away. He said it was from D&c complications but he didnโ€™t see any scarring.

My question is, what can I do if my OB ruined my lining in d&c? Will I ever be able to get pregnant again? My lining isnโ€™t the typically shape anymore. It does get triple layer but itโ€™s thin and now either gets fluid build up, or shrinks down mid cycle.

Tried prp and it didnโ€™t do much for my lining. Itโ€™s a good cycle if I get to a 6mm.

I donโ€™t want to give up on my body but my doctor doesnโ€™t know what else to try to heal my lining.


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