5w 4d ivf

I am not one of your patients however I have been having issues with my current fertility clinic and I was just wondering Is how often an hcg should be pulled? .. .and is a patient Notify you that they were bleeding and it’s getting worse would you call them in for a emergency ultrasound and HCG level? My clinic pulled one at 9 days and then the next was on day 11.. My numbers didn’t quite double but they were close enough my clinic thougit was within range And that was the last time I had an HCG test done I retested on a pregnancy test today at home and it says I’m negative I’m supposed to be 5 weeks 4 days post IVF transfer which was done on October 1st… I started bleeding last Saturday after I believe one of my ovaries cyst ruptured… I tried to talk to them and they basically said there was nothing that they could do no tests or ultrasounds… I am very worried that I had a chemical pregnancy or a miscarriage. I don’t know why they won’t believe me I even message them the other day to say that the consistency has changed from light paint brown to dark red and clotting like my period… From what I’ve read HCG should be pulled again Round day 15…but I’m just trying to understand I guess why they tell me there’s nothing they can do…


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